Our answers to your questions.

And what happens if I eventually buy a new food processor?

Of course, we also sell the specific adapters for the stills separately. This makes it easy to use a still that was originally designed for the Monsieur Cuisine on the Thermomix® TM6 with a new adapter, for example.

How do I clean the still?

You can simply rinse the still and the hoses with clear water and let them air dry.

If more cleaning is required, the screw connections of the still can also be loosened.

Is it possible to make gin with the still.

That's fine. You can make your own gin with the still.

Schnaps and other alcoholic beverages can also be obtained with the still.

Can I also distill alcohol-containing substances?

That depends on the country you live in. Here in Germany, the Alcohol Tax Act applies. Based on this, you face a fine if you are caught distilling alcohol!

In other countries, however, the distillation of alcohol is legal.

Where can I find recipes for the still?

Here in the DIFUMA store under " Recipes ". In addition, there is also the option of having a new recipe sent to you every month with our newsletter.

What amount of essential oils do I get from a distillation process?

That ultimately depends on two factors:

1. The liquid used to distill the parts of the plant.

2. The content of essential oils in the plant parts.

Can the still be used to produce just distilled water?


And how long does it take to get 1L of distilled water?

After the required temperature is reached, the distillation takes about 1 hour.

What payment options are there?

In order to make the shopping experience as customer-friendly as possible, we try to offer you all common payment methods. From purchase via invoice to payment with all major credit cards to modern payment methods such as PayPal, Amazon Pay and Google Pay.

How long does delivery take?

We try to be quick and therefore process orders within 24 hours on working days.

For deliveries within Germany, we generally assume a delivery time of 1 to 2 days.

Is it really that easy to use?


It was always important to us to take up the intuitive operation of your thermal food processor and thus make it easy to produce distillates.

Warum ist mein Hydrolat trüb?

Hydrolate sollten klar wie Wasser oder je nach Hydrolat ganz leicht, aber gleichmäßig trüb sein.

Warum ist mein Gin trüb ?

Der Gin nach der Destillation hat einen sehr hohen Alkoholgehalt und ist noch klar. Muß daher mit Wasser verdünnt werden auf die gewünschte Stärke. Durch das verdünnen mit Wasser Quellwasser oder auch destilliertes Wasser, kann es dazu kommen dass der Gin trüb wird. Das ist nicht schlimm das liegt an den Ätherischen Ölen aus den Botanicels.

Schnaps oder Gin auf die gewünscht Stärke bringen

Es kommt immer mal wieder die Frage wie kann ich mein Alkoholgehalt messen hierzu gibt es in einem Alkoholmeter wo er den Alkoholgehalt messen könnt. Auf diese Basis könnt ihr dann mit Quellwasser oder destilliertem Wasser euren Alkoholgehalt definieren. Hierzu gibt es im Internet Tabellen wo ihr klar sehen könnt was ihr noch an Mengen für den gewünschten Alkoholgehalt zugeben müsst.

Do you have any more questions? - Just write to us!

  • DIFUMA stills

  • Our exclusive special editions with herbs from Herzens natur ♥